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Let’s create something great!

Les-Tilleuls.coop, the editors of FrankenPHP, provides a wide range of resources to help you make your app faster and more reliable.

If you’re looking for guidance on defining, building, and improving your infrastructure, you’re in the right place!

Contact us!

Migrate your applications to FrankenPHP

We migrate your infrastructure to FrankenPHP and train your teams on its use. This will enhance the stability of your infra, leading to increased productivity. Let's establish a migration plan now and work hand in hand with your teams for its implementation!

Let's start!

Hosting your projects with FrankenPHP

We deploy and manage your PHP apps in production and take care of everything: monitoring, enforcing security, upgrading, optimizing performance…

In addition, we can manage your applications to the cloud technologies that best suit your needs (Kubernetes, GCP, AWS…) or your on premise servers.

Get in touch!

A wide range of PHP services

FrankenPHP is sponsored by Les-Tilleuls.coop, a French-based IT services company specializing in APIs, e-commerce, web, and cloud.

We are the creators of API Platform, co-maintainers of Symfony, members of the PHP Foundation’s advisory board, and contributors to more than 100 open-source solutions (Laravel, Kubernetes, PM2, Go…).

Learn more

We are Go lovers

We are also major contributors to Go. We created Mercure, a simplified real-time open protocol and reference implementation written in this language, and Vulcain, an open protocol for fast and idiomatic client-driven REST APIs.

Going further with Les-Tilleuls.coop

Les-Tilleuls.coop can also provide personalized support through various services:

Web development

Unleash the power of modern frameworks to create powerful websites. (Symfony, Laravel, Vue.js, Next.js…)


Elevate your skills with our certified developers


Overcome challenges confidently with our strategic consulting services tailored to your needs

Mission rescue

We help you build high-challenge websites

Performance and security audit

Ensure top-notch performance and security with our in-depth audits

UX and graphic design

Create captivating user experiences with our design expertise.